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Frequently asked questions

Who can apply

What are the eligibility criteria for a director?

The director must be of Arab, Saudi, Asian, or African nationality or origin and can be living anywhere in the world.

What are the eligibility criteria for a producer?

The producer can come from any country in the world.

The producer needs to have demonstrable production experience (previous work).

What are the eligibility criteria for a writer?

The writer can come from any country in the world but preference is given to writers with Arab, Saudi, Asian, or African nationality or origin. A screenwriter must have experience with realized scripts in any form, including shorts, TV, web series, or theatre.

What are the criteria for an application to be considered a Saudi project?

There are four points to this category:

  • the director must be of Saudi nationality or origin;
  • the story must have a local subject and be shot entirely or partly in Saudi Arabia;
  • the producer can come from anywhere
  • preference will be given to projects with a Saudi writer attached.
What experience does a director require to be eligible?

The program is aimed towards first or second-time feature directors, and so directors must have experience in the field, as demonstrated through one or two previous works that will be submitted. These previous works can be short films, music videos, commercials, features, documentaries, TV or web series.

What experience does a producer require to be eligible?

Producers must have produced audio-visual works; these works can be short films, music videos, commercials, features, documentaries, or TV/web series.

What experience does a writer require to be eligible?

A writer must have tangible experience in writing and have had their work realized or published in one of the following fields: theatre, literature, journalism, advertising, TV, radio, and film.

Must a producer be attached to the project?

All applications must have a producer and director; if the director is not also the writer, there must be a separate writer attached to the project.

I am a producer/writer with a project, but I don’t have a director on board. Can I apply?

All applications must have a producer and a director; if the director is not also the writer, there must be a writer attached to the project.

Can the same person apply as director and producer?

The training is organized for producers and director/writer and it is not possible for one person to follow both strands of the program. As such, applications must be presented by a team of a producer and a director/writer.


How do I apply?

Complete the online application form available on the website

What is a synopsis?

A synopsis is a brief description of the key elements of the whole story, without dialogue. The Red Sea Lodge requires a 1-page synopsis of a maximum of  1,000 characters with spaces.

What is a treatment?

A treatment is a written description of the whole story without dialogue. It is more detailed than a synopsis and should read like a short story told in the present tense describing events as they happen. It should include information on the cinematic style, locations, and motivation of the director. The Red Sea Lodge requires a treatment of 5–10 pages, of a maximum of 18,000 characters.

What is a Director’s Vision?

The director’s vision provides information about the creative approach of the director and should offer a strong sense of how the film will look and why this film is important to the filmmaker. It can be represented by a mood board, a project book (a few pages of a storyboard, a color script, a series of drawings or photographs), or a video (maximum 3 minutes). It visually complements the written concept and describes the project through images.

What do you mean by biography?

The biography can be written as a text describing the educational background and work experience of the applicants.

What do you mean by filmography?

The filmography should be presented in the form of URLs of previous works including the title, year, the length of the film, the genre (documentary, fiction, or animation), and the role of the applicant in the production.

What can we send by way of previous works?

The Red Sea Lodge asks for a minimum of two examples of previous works, to be included in the application. Pieces need to be seen in their entirety, as such, showreels are not accepted. The online link to your film needs to be available for three months after the deadline and must be subtitled in English. The work should demonstrate the applicant’s ability. Ideally, applicants should submit examples that complement the proposed project; it is possible to explain the relationship between your previous films and the proposed project in the director’s treatment section of your application.

What do you mean by casting idea?

This document describes the cast you would like to involve in your project or actors who have already indicated an interest. It is not necessary to send a letter of intent from actors, but photo references can be sent to support the casting idea document (1 page, maximum 350 words or 1,800 characters).

What is a financial plan?

A financial plan explains the strategy to fund the film through all stages from development through to completion. It should include the financiers who have already committed, those who have been approached whose response is still pending, and those who have been identified but are yet to be formally approached. It should include all financiers, producers, co-producers, funds, awards, etc. In the written explanation, you can provide the logic of your plan.

What is a signed agreement between the producer and the director?

The purpose of this document is to state that, if selected to participate in the program, the director and producer mutually agree to complete the submitted project according to the deadlines and requirements of the call. A memo deal between the two parties is sufficient.

What should be included in the list of training courses and events?

If the project has previously participated in film training courses and development programs please list the programs. This gives the selection team an idea of the development of the project and the team.

What is the director’s introductory video?

This video message from the director presents themselves and their work. Each director is free to choose the best way to realize it, though the video must be presented in English - If recorded in Arabic, the video should contain subtitles. The video should be a maximum of three minutes long.

Do I have to submit a script?

It is not necessary for the proposed project to have a script in order to be considered for the Red Sea Lodge. However, though it is not a required part of the application, if there is one already written, you can submit a copy in Arabic or English.

When is the deadline for applications?

Applications for Saudi projects are accepted until January 20, 2024, 11:59 PM KSA time, and Arab, African, and Asian applications until January 30, 2024, 11:59 PM KSA time.

Selected projects

If my application is selected, do I have to participate in the workshop? What’s the duration of the whole process?

All members of the selected teams (producer, writer and scriptwriter) must be committed to the entirety of the program, and are required to attend all elements, which includes 5 workshops for the Saudi applicants and four workshops for no-Saudi applicants (all in-person) and extensive work in the periods between workshops. It is not possible to miss workshops.

If my project is selected what costs will I need to cover?

There are no costs to cover neither to apply, nor if a project is selected. The Red Sea Lodge will cover online platform fees, flights, accommodation, visa costs, and meals for all participants, any other incidentals will need to be covered by the participants themselves. 

Do I need to credit The Lodge in the project materials and completed film?

The selected Red Sea Lodge projects must indicate Red Sea Lodge support after the completion of the program. There are also obligations on completion of the film, including credits and premiere. Please see the following section on credits for a full outline of requirements from the filmmakers. 

Selection for awards

Will the Red Sea Lodge acquire the rights to the projects? What is the rights agreement with the Red Sea Lodge?
The director and producer will retain the complete rights to the film. When completed, The Red Sea Lodge will require the winning project to grant the Red Sea Film Festival the Arab Premiere. There are requirements concerning how the Red Sea Lodge is credited. Once the final selection is made, the teams will sign an agreement with the Red Sea Lodge, defining all the details on how the Red Sea Lodge should be credited when the film is completed.
  1. Projects that are developed at the Red Sea Lodge:
    • Are committed to crediting the Red Sea Lodge in the film’s opening credits and verbally acknowledge the Lodge at festivals, in awards speeches, or in any press engagements where the film is discussed.
    • Will have the GCC premiere at the Red Sea International Film Festival
  2. Projects that win the Red Sea Lodge award and cash prize, or if they win any awards from the Red Sea Lodge’s Partners:
  • The winning project will give the Red Sea Lodge co-producer opening and closing credits.
  • Award winners from the Red Sea Lodge's official partners will list the Red Sea Lodge as a Co-Producer.
Award winners will have the ARAB premiere at the Red Sea International Film Festival.
What happens if my application is rejected? Will I receive feedback?

No, unfortunately, due to the volume of anticipated applications, the Red Sea Lodge will not discuss or give specific feedback on the non-selected projects.