An intriguing documentary that unearths the extraordinary story of the first woman director, perhaps even the very first director. Alice Guy-Blaché was a true pioneer, who shaped film from the very beginning. She began her career in 1894, when she was just 21 and two years later became head of production at Gaumont where she […]
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Ruben (Riz Ahmed) is a noise metal drummer. Shirtless and intense, he hammers out ferocious sets with his girlfriend and bandmate Lou (Olivia Cooke). But with each show, a persistent ringing in his ears worsens until sound drops out altogether. For a deaf musician and his partner who’ve built their precarious existence doing what they […]
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“The Exorcist” (1973) is one of the most critically and commercially successful – and analyzed – horror films of all time, a still-terrifying tale of a teenage child possessed by an ancient evil demon. Following “78/52: Hitchcock’s Shower Scene” (2017), a feature-length documentary on the iconic “Psycho” (1960) murder sequence, Alexandre O. Philippe puts “The […]
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Director Kitty Green’s “Ukraine is not a Brothel (2013) and “Casting JonBenet” (2017) established the Australian as an accomplished documentarian of contemporary female-powered narratives. Green’s fictional debut is a day-in-the-life that focuses on the seemingly banal routine of an entry-level film company assistant, which evolves into a spine-chilling study of gender politics, power dynamics, and […]
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