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Fantasy | Running Time: 95 minutes

2023 / Malay

Country: Malaysia, Taiwan R.O.C., Singapore, France, Germany, Netherlands, Indonesia and Qatar

Directed by: Amanda Nell Eu

MENA Premiere


Adult Themes



Tue 05 Dec | 3:55 PM - 5:35 PM
VOX Cinema Imax 7 Red Sea Mall
Price: 40 SAR
Wed 06 Dec | 8:40 PM - 10:20 PM
VOX Cinema 6 Red Sea Mall
Price: 40 SAR

Foo Fei Ling, Patrick Mao Huang, Fran Borgia, Juliette Lepoutre, Pierre Menahem, Jonas Weydemann, Ellen Havenith, Yulia Evina Bhara

Zafreen Zairizal, Deena Ezral, Piqa , Shaheizy Sam, Jun Lojong, Khairunazwan Rodzy, Fatimah Abu Bakar

Amanda Nell Eu

Zaffan goes to a strict girls’ school in rural Malaysia, where her youthful high spirits – dancing and climbing trees in the rainforest – mark her out as a rebel. At 12, she is also the first girl in her class to reach puberty, meaning that her body changes in ways regarded as shameful. When girls start to collapse around her with inexplicable fainting fits, she is identified by teachers as a dark spirit who has cursed the school. Little do they know that she does have a secret self – one with a tail and teeth. Drawing on the playfully scary spirit of old-school Asian monster movies as well as traditional myths, Tiger Stripes is raw, joyful and buoyed by great performances from its young rookie cast.