// when the main content gets to 100px off the top of the browser window it shrinks the burger & search icon and the logo, all at the same time let shrinkHeader = gsap.timeline({scrollTrigger:{trigger:"#jupiterx-main",toggleActions: "play none none reverse", start: "top -100px"}}) .to(".raven-nav-menu-toggle-button", {fontSize: "24px", duration: .25}, "first") .to(".raven-site-logo img", {width: "150px", duration: .25}, "first") .to(".elementor-search-form__toggle", {fontSize: "24px", duration: .25}, "first");
// Changes depth of the logo and burger when the nav is scrolled jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $( ".raven-nav-menu-side" ).scroll( function() { $(".raven-nav-menu-toggle").css('z-index', 10); $(".raven-site-logo").css('z-index', 10); } ); // // Brings them back when the nav is closed $( ".raven-nav-menu-close-button" ).click( function() { $(".raven-nav-menu-toggle").css('z-index', 99999); $(".raven-site-logo").css('z-index', 99999); } );